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WCTRS 2016

De Quarta-feira 10 Junho 2015
Até Segunda-feira 15 Junho 2015
por Rede Íbero-Americana de Estudos em Polos Geradores de ViagensVisualizações : 6097
World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS)
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4 weeks to submit abstracts | Deadline: 15 March 2015
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Dear Colleague

Submit abstracts by 15 March 2015

There are now just four weeks to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) 10-15 July 2016 in Shanghai (China). 

New! Registration information announced
Registration fees are now available. The early booking deadline is 25 September 2015.


Authors are invited to submit abstracts by 15 March 2015 on the following topic areas:

A: Transport Modes - General
B: Freight Transport and Logistics
C: Traffic Management, Operations and Control
D: Activity and Transport Demand
E: Transport Economics and Finance
F: Transport, Land-use and Sustainability
G: Transport Planning and Policy
H: Transport in Developing and Emerging Countries


For many session tracks a close cooperation with related journals has already been agreed, so that the best papers are expected to be published in peer-reviewed journals after the Conference. All other successfully reviewed conference papers will be included in the Selected Proceedings published in Elsevier´s Procedia

We look forward to your contribution and participation in the next World Conference on Transport Research in Shanghai 2016.


Yoshitsugu Hayashi
Nagoya University, Japan
President WCTRS

Manfred Boltze
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
Chair WCTRS Scientific Committee

All correspondence related to this call should be addressed to:

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Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Vice Chair WCTRS Scientific Committee

The conference will take place 10-15 July 2016 in Shanghai (China) at Tongji University. The WCTRS Young Researchers’ Conference will take place on 10 July 2016. The aims of the conference are to offer a unique opportunity to bring together experts in all aspects of transport research, from all parts of the world and to stimulate the exchange of ideas in the broad field of transport research.

For full information visit:

Download the WCTRS Newsletter.
Submit Abstract
Important Dates
15 March 2015
Submission of abstracts
15 June 2015
Notification on abstract review results
25 September 2015
Early booking deadline
30 September 2015
Submission of full papers for review
31 January 2016
Notification of paper review results
24 March 2016
Submission of revised papers and full papers without review
24 March 2016
Deadline for Conference registration for authors


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