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Apply now for the ITF Transport Awards

Terça-feira 10 Fevereiro 2015por Rede Íbero-Americana de Estudos em Polos Geradores de ViagensVisualizações : 1442



Paris, 28 January 2015


Apply now for the ITF Transport Awards


Application deadline extended until 10 February 2015

Through its awards, the International Transport Forum (ITF) recognises leading examples of achievement, innovation and research that have positively and significantly changed the transport industry, 
or have the potential to do so. The Awards will be presented to the winners in a ceremony in the presence of transport ministers from around the world during the International Transport Forum’s Annual Summit in Leipzig, Germany in May 2015. The ITF Transport Awards 2015 are awarded in three categories:


1.    Transport Achievement Award:  For excellence in transport provision that has improved, enabled or facilitated tourism. (Learn who is eligible)

2.    Promising Transport Innovation Award: For an innovation that has the potential to significantly improve the quality, performance, user experience, accessibility, sustainability or intermodality of a transport offer.(Learn who is eligible)

3.    Young Researcher of the Year Award For outstanding research related to any aspect of the interlinkages between the transport sector and global trade and/or tourism(Learn who is eligible)

Meet previous Award winners here!


Go to for further details and the application forms. You will also find the 2015 Summit programme on the website



Contact for Transport Achievement Award                 Contact for Young 
and Promising Transport Innovation Award:              Researcher Award:

Claire Millar                                                           Michel Violland

Manager, Summit Preparation                                   Economist

Tel. + 33 (0)1 45 24 74 44                                       Tel. + 33 (0)1 45 24 87 13

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