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The Challenges of Globalization

De Segunda-feira 06 Abril 2015
Até Sexta-feira 10 Abril 2015
por Rede Íbero-Americana de Estudos em Polos Geradores de ViagensVisualizações : 5461
The Challenges of Globalization
São Paulo KOSMOS Workshop
Berlin meets São Paulo: Cities for All - Livable and Sustainable
Date:  6th- 10th April, 2015
Location: University of São Paulo (USP) - FEA, IRI, FAU, IEE
Transforming large cities into sustainable and livable regions represents one of the greatest challenges of our times. Rapid and compact urbanization courses of action have been responsible for the creation of a myriad of megacities around the globe. This development has led to heavily populated areas with a significant public overload on urban intrastructure. The sacrifice of green areas is intrinsically connected with the damage of natural environments for cities in terms of climate change, biodiversity, water management and food production, not to mention the rise of serious socio-economic problems emanating thereof.
Berlin is Germany’s largest city and has a long tradition in urban gardening, recycling, solid waste management, as well as wastewater recycling. For this purpose, the Humboldt University and the University of São Paulo have created  a forum of research and discussion - KOSMOS Workshop - comprised of professors and students, in order to assess the challenges of livable and sustainable cities, from the viewpoint of risks, challenges and opportunities.
The KOSMOS Workshop will introduce integrated green technologies geared towards the preservation and creation of green infrastructure and biodiversity in urban areas, including sustainable food production teamed with energy, water and waste management, as well as innovation, ecological design and urban farming. Solutions can only arise from a joint effort at the economic, political government and individual levels, in a close relationship with academic research. Therefore, international scientific cooperation in environmental education is necessary in order to explore the new challenges and to unveil joint solutions.
Contact about the event exclusively with Volker Minks - e-mail O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo. phone 55 11 98166-7131
Monday - 06 April 2015
09h00 - 12h15 - Introductory Session
                           Location: Auditório FAU
Welcome            Profa. Dra. Maria Angela Faggin Pereira Leite, Director FAU-USP
Introduction        Profa. Dra. Maria Cecilia Loschiavo, FAU-USP
Introduction        Prof. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, President of Humboldt University
HU                      Prof. Heide Hoffmann, HU Berlin, Focus: Ecological and urban agriculture
                           Prof. Cornelia Oschmann, HU Berlin, Focus: Urban Green
                           Prof. Marcel Robischon, HU Berlin, Focus: Environmental Education
                           Prof. Frank Riesbeck, HU Berlin, Focus: Energy and Waste
                           Jasmin Sepahzad, HU Berlin, Researcher at USP IEE
Program              Eng. Volker Minks, M.A. Agricultural Engineering, PhD candidate HU Berlin
12h30 - 13h45 - Welcom lunch
                           Location: Sweden Restaurant
14h00 - 17h00 - The environmental, economic and social challenges of Cities
                          (discussion of possibilities of cooperation between USP and HU with professor, researchers and students from USP)
Presentation      Prof. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, President of Humbokdt University
Moderation        Prof. Joaquim Guilhoto, Deputy Dean FEA-USP
                          Dr. Gerson Damiani, Executive Coordinator
Tuesday - 07 April 2015
09h00 - 12h30 - Lecture - Block 1
                          FAU - Sala da Congregação
Introduction       Prof. Paulo Pellegrino, FAU-USP
Lecture 1          Green Urban Design and the Open Space System in Berlin
                          Eng. Volker Minks, M.A. Agricultural Engineering, PhD candidate HU Berlin
Green areas are the natural habitats of flora and fauna, but are constantly in danger of being destroyed. The use of urban land has become ecologically unbalanced, with currently affects the biodiversity as well as the relationship between city, people and the environment. The lecture introduces the students to forms and effects of green urban design, innovative ecological design technologies and possibilities for urban agriculture and horticulture production for food security that helps render the urban environment sustainable, crucial to addressing the economic, demographic, social and environmental challenges in cities such as the case of Berlin.
Lecture 2          Research and Strategies on Urban Green in the age of Climate Change
                          Prof. Cornelia Oschmann, HU Berlin
The lecture introduces students to the impacts of Climate Change on green areas, and adaptation strategies (i.e. selecting new street trees in urban areas, based on Berlin). Other topics include extensive green roofs substrates for filtering of heavy metals, storage and re-use of water.
12h30 - 13h45 - Lunch
                          Location: Sweden Restaurant
14h00 - 16h30 - Theory and Practice - Block 2
                           Location: Meet in front of the Centro Cultural São Paulo
Field Trip 1        Excursion to Green roof projects in SP - Centro Cultural São Paulo
                           Green roof project with a community garden on the tp
Moderation         Prof. Martin Grossmann, Director IEA-USP
                           André Biazoti, Project Coordination Institute 5 Elementos
Wednesday - 08 April 2015
10h15 - 12h00 - USP Conferences
                           Location: FEA1, Sala da Congregação
Welcome           Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, President USP
                           Prof. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, President HU Berlin
Introduction      Prof. Joaquim Guilhoto, Deput Dean FEA-USP
                           Dr. Gerson Damiani, Executive Coordinator
Conference        The Challenges of Cities in a Globalized World: opportunities and limits for agriculture in urban ecosystems
                           Prof. Heide Hoffmann, HU Berlin
Green within the city - opportunities and limits of agriculture in urban ecosystems. The todays urban challenges and opportunities concerning space, contamination hazards, ecological, economical and social aspects. Urban agriculture and horticulture provide multiple functions and benefits to urban dwellers and cities. Their advantages are manifold: improved climate, biodiversity, healthy nutrition, reduced loss of food due to inadequate transport and storage, poverty reduction through income opportunities and possible own consumption, education, leisure, and a greener livable city with all its ecological benefits. This lecture discusses the potential and the specific situation of agriculture and horticulture activities for food production in cities.
Moderation        TBA
Commentator    Prof. Maria Cecilia Loschiavo, FAU-USP
12h30 - 13h45 - Lunch
                          Location: Sweden Restaurant
14h00 - 17h00 - Lectures - Block 3
                          Location: IEE, Sala de Seminários
Lecture 3          Aquaculture/aquaponic gardening: a contribution to food security in Cities
                          Prof. Cornelia Oschmann, HU Berlin
Aquaculture plays an increasingly important role to protected wild capture fisheries and in contribution to global food security. Presently almost half of the total fish and shellfish consumption is produced by aquaculture. The challenge is to provide sustainable production to meet the increasing demand for nutritious food. Aquaculture also has its risks through overload and destruction of mangroves forests. Sustainable and innovative methods are required in order to produce greater quantities of high quality food and adapt to climate change and increasing resources scarify. Aquaponic gardening links aquaculture with hydroponic vegetable production.
Presentation   “Criando Terra no IEE”
                         Henrique Kefalás and Joaquim Alves da Silva Junior, Project Initiators and Master Students at PROCAM/IEE/USP
Thursday - 09 April 2015
09h00 - 12h30 - Lectures - Block 4
                          Location: IRI, Sala da Congregação
Lecture 4          Waste to energy - Chances, Possibilities and Technologies on example of some Brazil and African Cities
                          Prof. Suani Teixeira Coelho, IEE-USP
                          ….and some German, European and Iranian Cities
                          Prof. Frank Riesbeck, HU Berlin
Biomass as alternative energy resources is worldwide in focus of discussion in the context to food and energy production from agricultural areas. Municipal, rural or agro industrial organic residues to use for energy production is a more acceptable solutions for energy production from biomass! The workshop will discuss chances, possibilities and technologies with worldwide examples.
Lecture 5           Learning in Gardens and the Wilderness
                           Prof. Marcel Robischon, HU Berlin
This lecture discusses the potential and the specific roles of gardens and areas subject to mostly natural dynamics as learning spaces in environmental education.
12h30 - 13h45 - Lunch
                           Location: Sweden Restaurant
14h00 - 16h30 - Block 5 - Theory and Practice
                           Location: TBA
Field and           Excursion to projects in São Paulo
Trip 2                  Option 1 - Horta das Corujas (Horta Comunitária, Vila Beatriz)
                           Option 2 - Parque do Ibirapuera (Viveiro Manequinho Lopes)
Friday - 10 April 2015
09h00 - 12h30 - Lectures - Block 6
                          Location: IRI, Sala da Congregação
Lecture 7          Systems thinking and Ethics in Environmental Education
                          Prof. Marcel Robischon, HU Berlin
Environmental education aims at enabling learners to be future decision makers in an environmental context. Considering the systemic character of human-environmental systems there is, however, an extreme uncertainty in decisions and actions - an aspect environmental education has to take into consideration.
Lecture 8          Principles of Permaculture: an Alternative Planning Method
                          Prof. Heide Hoffmann, HU Berlin
The Lecture gives an overview on the philosophy and the application area of Permaculture. In the outdoor exercise, students will experience the philosophy of Permaculture. We will train the planning stages, according to a permaculture point of view. Group work.
                           Group and individual meetings and student consultations.
12h30 - 14h30 - Farewell lunch
                           Location: Clube dos Professores USP
                           Individual meetings or group meeting.
USP - FEA/IRI    Dr. Gerson Damiani 
USP FAU            Prof. Dr. Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos
USP FAU            Prof. Dr. Paulo Pellegrino
USP IEE             Prof. Dr. Sylmara Lopes F. Gonçalves Dias
HU Berlin            Priv. Doz. Dr. Heide Hoffmann
HU Berlin            Dipl. Ing. Agr. Volker Minks



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