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IEEE ITSC 2016 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

De Terça-feira 01 Novembro 2016
Até Sexta-feira 04 Novembro 2016
por Rede Íbero-Americana de Estudos em Polos Geradores de ViagensVisualizações : 2758

IEEE ITSC 2016 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 1 – 4 de Novembro de 2016


The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference is the annual flagship conference of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. IEEE ITSC 2016 welcomes articles in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, dealing with new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, demonstration, advanced deployment and case studies, results of laboratory or field operational tests, under the general theme of Intelligent Transportation for Smarter Societies. IEEE ITSC 2016 is organized by the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) and Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas da Universidade de São Paulo (ICMC/USP).


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