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Urban Transitions 2020

Desde Martes 10 Noviembre 2020
Hasta Jueves 12 Noviembre 2020
por Rede Íbero-Americana de Estudos em Polos Geradores de ViagensAccesos : 2637
Urban Transitions 2020
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Meet the world experts

Dear Colleague

Meet the world experts at the State of the Art sessions at Urban Transitions 2020.


Join the following speakers who will give an expert talk followed by a discussion session:
  • Thiago de Sa/Matthias Braubach, WHO, Switzerland
    – Urban health at WHO
  • Nadja Kabisch, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
    – Nature based solutions
  • Haneen Khreis, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA
    – HIA transport and health
  • Karl Kim, University of Hawaii, USA
    – City resilience
  • Yvonne Lynch, Royal Commission for Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia
    – How to green cities
  • Teresa Moreno, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Spain
    – Air pollution in the city
  • Salvador Rueda, BCNEcologia, Barcelona, Spain
    - Superblocks
  • Bert van Wee, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
    – Transport and health
  • Pengjun Zhao, Peking University, China
    – Cities


Urban Transitions 2020 will provide pathways to carbon neutral, liveable, equitable and healthy cities.

Present alongside our keynote speakers: Abstracts are invited for concurrent talks and posters by 5 June 2020.

View conference topics and submit abstracts here.

We welcome your participation and invite you to contribute to
the programme.

Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen, ISGlobal, Spain
Conference Chair

Conference Committees

Organised by Supported by
Elsevier isglobal

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