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14th World Conference on Transport Research

Desde Domingo 10 Julio 2016
Hasta Viernes 15 Julio 2016
por Rede Íbero-Americana de Estudos em Polos Geradores de ViagensAccesos : 4697

14th World Conference on Transport Research

10-15 July 2016  - Shanghai, China


The World Conference on Transport Research has been held every three years since 1977.   The final programme for the 14th World Conference on Transport Research (10-15 July 2016 in Shanghai, China) will include nearly 1200 papers presented in oral and poster sessions by authors from 65 countries. In addition, more than 20 Special Sessions will cover important current topics and an attractive side programme will be offered by our local hosts. You are also invited to join the meetings of WCTRS Special Interest Groups to make contact with colleagues with similar interests from all over the world.


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